The latest issue of the
Journal of International Criminal Justice (Vol. 15, no. 1, March 2017) is out. Contents include:
- Rod Rastan, What is ‘Substantially the Same Conduct’?: Unpacking the ICC’s ‘First Limb’ Complementarity Jurisprudence
- Colton Fehr,
Domestic Detention under Article 78(2) of the ICC Statute
- Symposium: Undesirable and Unreturnable? Prosecuting Non-Removable Aliens
Suspected of Serious Crimes
- Joris van Wijk, David James Cantor, Sarah Singer, & Maarten Pieter Bolhuis,
Geoff Gilbert
Undesirable but Unreturnable: Extradition and Other Forms of Rendition
- Mariagiulia Giuffré,
Deportation with Assurances and Human Rights: The Case of Persons Suspected or Convicted of Serious Crimes
- Joseph Rikhof,
Prosecuting Asylum Seekers Who cannot be Removed: A Feasible Solution?
- Emma Irving,
When International Justice Concludes: Undesirable but Unreturnable Individuals in the Context of the International Criminal Court
- Cases before International Courts and Tribunals
- Wibke K. Timmermann, Inciting Speech in the former Yugoslavia: The Šešelj Trial Chamber Judgment
- National Prosecution of International Crimes: Legislation and Cases
- Pavlos Andreadis-Papadimitriou, Assistance in Mass Murder under Systems of Ill-treatment: The Case of Oskar Gröning
- Patryk I. Labuda,
The Special Criminal Court in the Central African Republic: Failure or Vindication of Complementarity?