The latest issue of the
Journal of International Arbitration (Vol. 34, no. 2, 2017) is out. Contents include:
Michael W. Bühler & Pierre R. Heitzmann, The 2017 ICC Expedited Rules: From Softball to Hardball?
Michael Polkinghorne & Sven-Michael Volkmer, The Legality Requirement in Investment Arbitration'
Andrzej Olaś, May International Arbitral Tribunals Declare Laws Unconstitutional? An International and a Polish Perspective on the Issue of Dealing with Unlawful Laws
Irene Han, Rethinking the Use of Arbitration Clauses by Financial Institutions
Maxim Osadchiy, Emergency Relief in Investment Treaty Arbitration: A Word of Caution
Adam J. Weiss, Erin E. Klisch, & Joseph R. Profaizer, Techniques and Tradeoffs for Incorporating Cost- and Time-Saving Measures into International Arbitration Agreements
Paul Comrie-Thomson, A Statement of Arbitral Jurisprudence: The Case for a National Law Obligation to Publish International Commercial Arbitral Awards
Toms Krūmiņš, Arbitration in Latvia: A Cautionary Tale?
Paschalis Paschalidis, The Future of Anti-Suit Injunctions in Support of Arbitration After the EU Court of Justice’s Judgment in the Gazprom Case