The latest issue of the
International Criminal Law Review (Vol. 17, no. 2, 2017) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Embracing Interdisciplinarity
- Michelle Leanne Burgis-Kasthala, Introduction: How Should We Study International Criminal Law? Reflections on the Potentialities and Pitfalls of Interdisciplinary Scholarship
- Mikkel Jarle Christensen, Preaching, Practicing and Publishing International Criminal Justice: Academic Expertise and the Development of an International Field of Law
Immi Tallgren, Come and See? The Power of Images and International Criminal Justice
- Sara Dezalay, Weakness as Routine in the Operations of the Intentional Criminal Court
- Peerce McManus, Enemy of Mankind or Just No Powerful Friends Left? Insights from International Relations about the Efficacy of the ICC
- Rosemary Grey, Interpreting International Crimes from a ‘Female Perspective’: Opportunities and Challenges for the International Criminal Court
- Christoph Sperfeldt, Rome’s Legacy: Negotiating the Reparations Mandate of the International Criminal Court
- Cynthia Banham, Alternative Sites of Accountability for Torture: The Publication of War on Terror Books as ‘Memory-Justice’
Michelle Jarvis, The Practice of International Criminal Law. Some Reflections from an ICTY Prosecutor