The latest volume of the
Hague Yearbook of International Law (Vol. 27, 2014) is out. Contents include:
- Private International Law
The Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law, Hague Conference on Private International Law – Work in 2014
- Jae-Chun Won, Janet E. Lord, Michael Ashley Stein & Yosung Song, Disability, Repressive Regimes, and Health Disparity: Assessing Country Conditions in North Korea
- Public International Law
Khagani Guliyev, Quelques réflexions sur un possible règlement du diffférend maritime frontalier entre l’Azerbaïdjan et le Turkménistan en mer Caspienne
- Panos Merkouris, Interpreting Requests for ICJ Advisory Opinions: Saying What You Mean or Meaning What You Say?
- Fabián Raimondo, Does the Population of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Really Have the Right to Self-Determination?
- Alexander A.D. Brown, To Complicity… and Beyond! Passive Assistance and Positive Obligations in International Law
- Mutaz M. Qafijisheh, Nationalizing International Criminal Law in Palestine: The Challenge of Complementarity