The latest issue of the
Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy (Vol. 11, no. 2, 2016) is out. Contents include:
- Special Section on Food Safety
Louis Augustin-Jean, Introduction to the Special Section on Food Safety—Food Risks, Food Safety, and International Trade: An Assessment
Pascal Petit, Global Governance and Regulatory States in the Present Phase of Internationalization: Impacts of Product Markets Regulations
Samuel Benrejeb Godefroy & Renata Clarke,
Development and Application of International Food Safety Standards— Challenges and Opportunities
Louis Augustin-Jean & Lei Xie,
Food Safety Standards and Market Regulations as Elements of Competition— Case Studies from China’s International Trade
Deborah K. Sy,
Safeguarding Tobacco Control Measures from the Tobacco Industry’s Trade-related Challenges Through Trade Treaty Design
Nu Ri Jung,
Clarifying the Legal Ambiguity in Article 2.2.2(III) of the Anti-Dumping Agreement: A Proposed Set of Interpretative Guidelines for “Any Other Reasonable Method”
Nan-xiang Sun,
Piercing the Veil of National Security: Does China’s Banking IT Security Regulation Violate the TBT Agreement?
Qianwen Zhang,
Opening Pre-establishment National Treatment in International Investment Agreements: An Emerging “New Normal” in China?
Yasushi Takahashi,
Primary Health Care and Universal Health Coverage in Certain International Instruments and the Implementation—the Case of Japan
Current Development
Saisai Wang, Kim Van der Borght & Xiaoting Song,
A Legal Analysis on the Current Trade Status of Traditional Chinese Medicinal Product in the E.U.—from the Perspectives of WTO Law and E.U. Pharmaceutical Law