The latest issue of
Ethics & International Affairs (Vol. 30, no. 1, Spring 2016) is out. Contents include:
- Essay
- Amitai Etzioni,
Defining Down Sovereignty: The Rights and Responsibilities of Nations
- Roundtable: Morgenthau in America
Cornelia Navari, Introduction: Morgenthau in America
Felix Rösch, Crisis, Values, and the Purpose of Science: Hans Morgenthau in Europe
Hartmut Behr, Scientific Man vs. Power Politics: A Pamphlet and Its Author between Two Academic Cultures
Christoph Frei, Politics Among Nations: Revisiting a Classic
Cornelia Navari, Hans Morgenthau and the National Interest
Richard Ned Lebow, Hans Morgenthau and The Purpose of American Politics
Douglas B. Klusmeyer, Death of the Statesman as Tragic Hero: Hans Morgenthau on the Vietnam War
- Features
- Patti Tamara Lenard, Democracies and the Power to Revoke Citizenship
Robert Sparrow, Robots and Respect: Assessing the Case Against Autonomous Weapon Systems
- Response
Helen Frowe, On the Redundancy of Jus ad Vim: A Response to Daniel Brunstetter and Megan Braun
Daniel Brunstetter, Jus ad Vim: A Rejoinder to Helen Frowe