The latest issue of the
American Review of International Arbitration (Vol. 26, no. 3, 2015) is out. Contents include:
- Delphine Nougayrède Yukos, Investment Round-Tripping, and
the Evolving Public/ Private Paradigms
Morten M. Fogt, The Interaction and Distinction Between the Sales and Arbitration Regimes –
The CISG and Agreements or Binding Practice to Arbitrate
Jeffrey Waincymer Pathologies, Presumptions and Proof
Adjudicating The Effectiveness of Arbitration Agreements
Roberto Castro de Figueiredo, The Investment Requirement of the
ICSID Convention and the Role of
Investment Treaties
Mark R. Joelson, A Critique of the 2014 International Bar Association
Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest in
International Arbitration