The latest issue of the
International Journal of Transitional Justice (Vol. 10, no. 1, March 2016) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Reconsidering Appropriate Responses to Victims of Conflict
Juan E. Méndez,
Victims as Protagonists in Transitional Justice
- Pilar Riaño Alcalá & María Victoria Uribe,
Constructing Memory amidst War: The Historical Memory Group of Colombia
- Tazreena Sajjad,
Heavy Hands, Helping Hands, Holding Hands: The Politics of Exclusion in Victims’ Networks in Nepal
Julie Bernath,
‘Complex Political Victims’ in the Aftermath of Mass Atrocity: Reflections on the Khmer Rouge Tribunal in Cambodia
Janine Natalya Clark,
Transitional Justice as Recognition: An Analysis of the Women’s Court in Sarajevo
Peter J. Dixon,
Reparations, Assistance and the Experience of Justice: Lessons from Colombia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Margaret Urban Walker,
Transformative Reparations? A Critical Look at a Current Trend in Thinking about Gender-Just Reparations
- Emily L. Camins,
Needs or Rights? Exploring the Limitations of Individual Reparations for Violations of International Humanitarian Law
- Luke Moffett,
Reparations for ‘Guilty Victims’: Navigating Complex Identities of Victim–Perpetrators in Reparation Mechanisms
- Huma Saeed,
Victims and Victimhood: Individuals of Inaction or Active Agents of Change? Reflections on Fieldwork in Afghanistan
- Tessa Lacerda,
‘Victim’: What Is Hidden behind This Word?
Gertrude Fester-Wicomb,
Interrogator Versus Political Prisoner: Silences, Secrets and the Unsaid – A Question of Power