The latest issue of the
Human Rights Review (Vol. 17, no. 1, March 2016) is out. Contents include:
Special Issue: Engendering Transitional Justice: Silence, Absence and Repair
- Olivera Simic, Engendering Transitional Justice: Silence, Absence and Repair
- Brandon Hamber, There Is a Crack in Everything: Problematising Masculinities, Peacebuilding and Transitional Justice
- Elisabeth Porter, Gendered Narratives: Stories and Silences in Transitional Justice
- Lia Kent, After the Truth Commission: Gender and Citizenship in Timor-Leste
- Wendy Lambourne & Vivianna Rodriguez Carreon, Engendering Transitional Justice: a Transformative Approach to Building Peace and Attaining Human Rights for Women
- Olivera Simic, Feminist Research in Transitional Justice Studies: Navigating Silences and Disruptions in the Field