The latest issue of the
African Journal of International and Comparative Law (Vol. 24, no. 1, February 2016) is out. Contents include:
Maame A.S. Mensa-Bonsu,
Forty-one In One Blow! Thoughts on the Proposed Single Referendum Question to Decide the Amendment of Ghana's Constitution
Kwame Akuffo,
A Subaltern Theory of Equity
Nwudego Nkemakonam Chinwuba,
Filling the Gaps Between Colonial Legal Heritage and Prevailing Local Customs in Family Relations: the Place of Secret Trust
Benhajj Shaaban Masoud,
Implications of ‘BITs’ for Cross-border Insolvency Regulation in Sub-Saharan Africa
Peter Munyi, Bram De Jong & B. Visser,
Opportunities and Threats to Harmonisation of Plant Breeders' Rights in Africa: ARIPO and SADC
Liz Lewis,
Exploring the ‘Ecology’ of Laws at the Interface Between International Rights Law and Subnational Customary Law
Andra le Roux-Kemp,
The Recognition of Health Rights in Constitutions on the African Continent: a Systematic Review
Maria Papaioannou,
The EU – Africa Partnership in the Fight Against IUU Fishing