The latest issue of the
European Journal of International Law (Vol. 26, no. 4, November 2015) is out. Contents include:
- Editorial
- JHHW, On My Way Out – Advice to Young Scholars II: Career Strategy and the Publication Trap; Roll of Honour; In this Issue
- Articles
Yishai Beer,
Humanity Considerations Cannot Reduce War’s Hazards Alone: Revitalizing the Concept of Military Necessity
Helen Keller & Cedric Marti,
Reconceptualizing Implementation: The Judicialization of the Execution of the European Court of Human Rights’ Judgments
Anna Dolidze,
Bridging Comparative and International Law: Amicus Curiae Participation as a Vertical Legal Transplant
Ruth Rubio-Marín & Mathias Möschel,
Anti-Discrimination Exceptionalism: Racist Violence before the ECtHR and the Holocaust Prism
An Hertogen,
Letting Lotus Bloom
- For the Classroom
John R. Morss,
The International Legal Status of the Vatican/Holy See Complex
Roaming Charges: Moments of Dignity: Shoemaker at Work, Tel Aviv
- Afterword: Jan Klabbers and His Critics
Laurence Boisson de Chazournes,
Functionalism! Functionalism! Do I Look Like Functionalism?
André Nollkaemper,
Saving the Scarecrow
Guy Fiti Sinclair,
The Original Sin (and Salvation) of Functionalism
Jan Klabbers,
The Transformation of International Organizations Law: A Rejoinder
EJIL: Debate!
Erika de Wet,
The Modern Practice of Intervention by Invitation in Africa and Its Implications for the Prohibition of the Use of Force
Dino Kritsiotis,
Interrogations of Consent: A Reply to Erika de Wet
- Critical Review of International Jurisprudence
- Ronagh J.A. McQuigg,
Domestic Violence as a Human Rights Issue: Rumor v. Italy