The latest issue of
International Studies Review (Vol. 17, no. 4, December 2015) is out. Contents include:
- Analytical Essay: Evaluation, Synthesis, Reflections
Betcy Jose & Peace A. Medie, Understanding Why and How Civilians Resort to Self-Protection in Armed Conflict
- Elias Steinhilper,
From “the Rest” to “the West”? Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Western Bias in Norm Diffusion Research
- David Traven,
Moral Cognition and the Law and Ethics of Armed Conflict
- Boaz Atzili & Anne Kantel,
Accepting the Unacceptable: Lessons from West Germany's Changing Border Politics
- J. Samuel Barkin,
On the Heuristic Use of Formal Models in International Relations Theory
- Michiel Foulon,
Neoclassical Realism: Challengers and Bridging Identities
- The Forum: Globalization, Politics, and the Poor
- Nita Rudra & Kristen Skillman, Introduction—Globalization, Politics, and the Poor
- Helen V. Milner & Nita Rudra, Globalization and the Political Benefits of the Informal Economy
- Edmund J. Malesky, Transfer Pricing and Global Poverty
- Pablo Beramendi & Erik Wibbels, Globalization, Public Finance, and Poverty
- Daniel Nielson, Promoting Exports, Preventing Poverty: Toward a Causal Evidence Base