The latest issue of the
International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law (Vol. 30, no. 4, 2015) is out. Contents include:
- Robin Churchill, Dispute Settlement in the Law of the Sea: Survey for 2014
Dire Tladi, The Proposed Implementing Agreement: Options for Coherence and Consistency in the Establishment of Protected Areas beyond National Jurisdiction
Jiayu Bai, The IMO Polar Code: The Emerging Rules of Arctic Shipping Governance
Anastasia Telesetsky & Seokwoo Lee, After Whaling in the Antarctic: Amending Article VIII to Fix a Broken Treaty Regime
Laurence Cordonnery; Alan D. Hemmings & Lorne Kriwoken, Nexus and Imbroglio: CCAMLR, the Madrid Protocol and Designating Antarctic Marine Protected Areas in the Southern Ocean
Olivia Woolley, Ecological Governance for Offshore Wind Energy in United Kingdom Waters: Has an Effective Legal Framework Been Established for Preventing Ecologically Harmful Development?
Yen-Chiang Chang & Nannan Wang, The Restructuring of the State Oceanic Administration in China: Moving Toward a More Integrated Governance Approach