The latest issue of the
Review of International Studies (Vol. 41, no. 5, December 2015) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: The Politics of Numbers
- André Broome & Joel Quirk,
The politics of numbers: the normative agendas of global benchmarking
André Broome & Joel Quirk,
Governing the world at a distance: the practice of global benchmarking
Alexandra Homolar,
Human security benchmarks: Governing human wellbeing at a distance
Tony Porter,
Global benchmarking networks: the cases of disaster risk reduction and supply chains
Leonard Seabrooke & Duncan Wigan,
How activists use benchmarks: Reformist and revolutionary benchmarks for global economic justice
Genevieve LeBaron & Jane Lister,
Benchmarking global supply chains: the power of the ‘ethical audit’ regime
James Harrison & Sharifah Sekalala,
Addressing the compliance gap? UN initiatives to benchmark the human rights performance of states and corporations
Liam Clegg,
Benchmarking and blame games: Exploring the contestation of the Millennium Development Goals
Caroline Kuzemko,
Climate change benchmarking: Constructing a sustainable future?
Ole Jacob Sending & Jon Harald Sande Lie, The limits of global authority: World Bank benchmarks in Ethiopia and Malawi