The latest issue of the
Journal of International Economic Law (Vol. 18, no. 2, June 2015) is out. Contents include:
- Michael Trebilcock & Kristen Pue,
The Puzzle of Agricultural Exceptionalism in International Trade Policy
Henok Birhanu Asmelash,
Energy Subsidies and WTO Dispute Settlement: Why Only Renewable Energy Subsidies Are Challenged
Dylan Geraets, Colleen Carroll, & Arnoud R. Willems,
Reconciling Rules of Origin and Global Value Chains: The Case for Reform
Jie Huang,
Challenges and Solutions for the China–US BIT Negotiations: Insights from the Recent Development of FTZs in China
Tristan Feunteun,
Cartels and the Right to Food: An Analysis of States’ Duties and Options
Henrik Andersen,
Protection of Non-Trade Values in WTO Appellate Body Jurisprudence: Exceptions, Economic Arguments, and Eluding Questions
Ming Du,
Explaining China’s Tripartite Strategy Toward the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
Nicolaj Kuplewatzky,
Deflection of Trade upon Enlargement of the European Union
Shin-yi Peng,
Cybersecurity Threats and the WTO National Security Exceptions