The latest issue of the
Journal of East Asia and International Law (Vol. 8, no. 1, Spring 2015) is out. Contents include:
- Issue Focus: Global Responsibility of Transnational Corporations
Mahdev Mohan, Corporate Accountability in Southeast Asia: National Action Plans for Responsible Business Conduct under International Law
Mariko Shoji, Global Accountability of Transnational Corporations: The UN Global Compact as a Global Norm
Jun Zhao, Human Rights Accountability of Transnational Corporations: A Potential Response from Bilateral Investment Treaties
- Articles
JAn Chen & Fan Yang, Global South at 50 and beyond?: The Voice from China for Establishing NIEO
Abdul Ghafur Hamid @ Khin Maung Sein, Combating Terrorism and the Use of Force against a State: A Relook at the Contemporary World Order
- Notes & Comments
Hyoungjin Moon & Jongho Nam, The Great Ming Code and International Custom of Medieval East Asia: An Analysis of Korea’s Policies regarding Japanese Crimes in the Fifteenth Century
Tianbao Qin, Dispute over the Applicable Scope of the Svalbard Treaty: A Chinese Lawyer’s Perspective
- Regional Focus & Controversies: Maritime Dispute in the Ambalat Block
Areej Torla, Salma Yusof & Mohd Hisham Mohd Kamal, Malaysia
Ida B.R. Supancana, Indonesia