- Colin B. Picker & Lisa Toohey, Introduction: China in the international economic order: new directions and changing paradigms
- Randall Peerenboom, Revamping the China model for the post-global financial crisis era: the emerging post-Washington, post-Beijing consensus
- Lisa Toohey, Regarding China: images of China in the international economic order
- Marcia Don Harpaz, China and international tribunals: onward from the WTO
- Colin B. Picker, China's legal cultural relationship to international economic law: multiple and conflicting paradigms
- Henry Gao, From the Doha round to the China round: China's growing role in WTO negotiations
- Timothy Webster, China's implementation of WTO decisions
- Junji Nakagawa, The emerging rules on state capitalism and their implications for China's use of SOEs
- Shin-yi Peng, Standards as a means to technological leadership? China's ICT standards in the context of the international economic order
- Ross P. Buckley & Weihuan Zhou, China's negotiation of the international economic legal order
- Justin O'Brien, George Gilligan & Jonathan Greenacre, Is the rise of Chinese state capital a regulatory game changer? The example of inward investment capital to Australia
- Julian Gruin, Contesting the liberal imaginary? China's role in the international monetary system
- Xuezhu Bai & Nicholas Morris, China, economic Taoism and development: different paradigms, different outcomes
- Vivienne Bath, Chinese companies and outbound investment – the balance between domestic and international concerns
- Deborah Healey, Mergers with conditions in China: caution, control or industrial policy?
- Leon E. Trakman, Geo-politics, China and investor-state arbitration
- Bryan Mercurio, China, intellectual property rights and the WTO: challenging but not a challenge to the existing legal order
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Toohey, Picker, & Greenacre: China in the International Economic Order
Lisa Toohey (Univ. of New South Wales - Law), Colin B. Picker (Univ. of New South Wales - Law), & Jonathan Greenacre (Univ. of New South Wales - Law) have published China in the International Economic Order: New Directions and Changing Paradigms (Cambridge Univ. Press 2015). Contents include: