The latest issue of the
Review of International Studies (Vol. 41, no. 2, April 2015) is out. Contents include:
- Tom Lundborg & Nick Vaughan-Williams, New Materialisms, discourse analysis, and International Relations: a radical intertextual approach
- Vincent Pouliot & Jean-Philippe Thérien,
The politics of inclusion: Changing patterns in the governance of international security
Robin Dunford,
Human rights and collective emancipation: The politics of food sovereignty
Lene Hansen,
How images make world politics: International icons and the case of Abu Ghraib
Peter Trubowitz & Peter Harris,
When states appease: British appeasement in the 1930s
Ido Oren & Ty Solomon,
WMD, WMD, WMD: Securitisation through ritualised incantation of ambiguous phrases
Adam Bower,
Arguing with law: strategic legal argumentation, US diplomacy, and debates over the International Criminal Court
Sungju Park-Kang,
Fictional IR and imagination: Advancing narrative approaches
Valbona Muzaka & Matthew Louis Bishop,
Doha stalemate: The end of trade multilateralism?
Pía Riggirozzi,
Regionalism, activism, and rights: New opportunities for health diplomacy in South America