The latest issue of the
Journal of World Trade (Vol. 49, no. 2, 2015) is out. Contents include:
Reinhard Quick, Why TTIP Should Have an Investment Chapter Including ISDS
Simon Lester, Rethinking the International Investment Law System
Adarsh Ramanujan & Seetharaman Sampath, ‘Double Counting’: Is There Light at the End of the Tunnel?
Alessandro Antimiani & Luca Salvatici, Regionalism versus Multilateralism: The Case of the European Union Trade Policy
Gonzalo Villalta Puig & Lee Tsun Tat, Problems with the ASEAN Free Trade Area Dispute Settlement Mechanism and Solutions for the ASEAN Economic Community
Kai Purnhagen, Mapping Private Regulation – Classification, Market Access and Market Closure Policy and Law’s Response
Gustav Brink, One Hundred Years of Anti-dumping in South Africa