The latest issue of
Trade, Law and Development (Vol. 5, no. 2, Winter 2013) is out. Contents include:
Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann, ‘Fragmentation’ and ‘Judicialization’ of International Law as Dialectic Strategies for Reforming International Economic Law
Donatella Alessandrini, WTO at a Crossroads: The Crisis of Multilateral Trade and the Political Economy of the Flexibility Debate
Benoit Mayer, Development is no Excuse for Human Rights Abuses: Framing the Responsibility of International Development Agencies
Avidan Kent, The WTO Law on Subsidies and Climate Change: Overcoming the Dissonance?
Notes and Comments
Evin Dalkilic, The Proposed Horizontal Mechanism: An Evaluation in Light of Existing Procedures under the Dispute Settlement Understanding