The latest issue of the
Journal of International Dispute Settlement (Vol. 5, no. 2, July 2014) is out. Contents include:
- Jean d’Aspremont & Makane Moïse Mbengue,
Strategies of Engagement with Scientific Fact-finding in International Adjudication
Deyan Draguiev,
Bad Faith Conduct of States in Violation of the ‘Fair And Equitable Treatment’ Standard in International Investment Law and Arbitration
Erlend M. Leonhardsen,
Trials of Ordeal in the International Court of Justice: Why States Seek Provisional Measures when non-Compliance Is to Be Expected
Richard Frimpong Oppong & Lisa C. Niro,
Enforcing Judgments of International Courts in National Courts
Pamela Apaza Lanyi & Armin Steinbach,
Limiting Jurisdictional Fragmentation in International Trade Disputes
Christian Vidal-León,
Inequality of the Parties before the International Court of Justice: Reflections on the Appellate Jurisdiction over ILOAT Judgments