The latest issue of the
International Journal of Transitional Justice (Vol. 8, no. 2, July 2014) is out. Contents include:
- Jennifer Balint, Julie Evans, & Nesam McMillan,
Rethinking Transitional Justice, Redressing Indigenous Harm: A New Conceptual Approach
Theo Hollander & Bani Gill,
Every Day the War Continues in My Body: Examining the Marked Body in Postconflict Northern Uganda
Michelle D. Bonner,
‘Never Again’: Transitional Justice and Persistent Police Violence in Argentina
Lydiah Kemunto Bosire & Gabrielle Lynch,
Kenya’s Search for Truth and Justice: The Role of Civil Society
Nathalie Koc-Menard,
Notes from the Field: Exhuming the Past After the Peruvian Internal Conflict
Lia Kent,
Narratives of Suffering and Endurance: Coercive Sexual Relationships, Truth Commissions and Possibilities for Gender Justice in Timor-Leste