The latest issue of the
International Criminal Law Review (Vol. 14, no. 2, 2014) is out. Contents include:
- Henry C. Theriault, Legal Avenues for Armenian Genocide Reparations
Aram I, The Armenian Genocide: From Recognition to Reparations
Susan L. Karamanian, Economic-Legal Perspectives on the Armenian Genocide
Patrick Dumberry, The Consequences of Turkey Being the ‘Continuing’ State of the Ottoman Empire in Terms of International Responsibility for Internationally Wrongful Acts
Dov Jacobs, Jumping Hurdles Backwards: The Armenian Genocide and the International Criminal Court
Marco Roscini, Establishing State Responsibility for Historical Injustices: The Armenian Case
Frédéric Mégret, The Notion of ‘Continuous Violations’, Expropriated Armenian Properties, and the European Court of Human Rights
Richard J. Wilson, Restoration of Historical Memory and Dignity for Victims of the Armenian Genocide
Vahé Tachjian, An Attempt to Recover Armenian Properties in Turkey through the French Authorities in Syria and Lebanon in the 1920s
Marcel Brus, Ius Humanitatis and the Right to Reparation for International Crimes in Foreign Domestic Courts
Taner Akçam, The Spirit of the Law: Following the Traces of Genocide in the Law of Abandoned Property
Sait Çetinoğlu, Foundations of Non-Muslim Communities: The Last Object of Confiscation
Irmgard Marboe, Compensation and Damages in International Law and their Relevance for the Valuation of Expropriated Armenian Property
Gabriele Della Morte, International Law between the Duty of Memory and the Right to Oblivion
Henry C. Theriault, Reparations for Genocide: Group Harm and the Limits of Liberal Individualism