The latest volume of the
Hague Yearbook of International Law (Vol. 25, 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Private International Law
Chris Thomale, Private International Law sans frontières
- Micah R. Thorner & Kay Jagath Rommerts, Hague Conference on Private International Law—Work in 2012
Peter D. Trooboff & Frederike E.M. Stikkelbroeck, Reflections on the Hague Conference on Private International Law at 140—20 Years Forward
International Criminal Law
Mihail Vatsov, Security Council Referrals to the ICC and EU Fundamental Rights: A Test for ECJ’s Stance in Kadi I
- Public International Law
Juliette McIntyre, Declaratory Judgments of the International Court of Justice
Nuwan Peiris, ARA Libertad from ITLOS: How Provisional a Provisional Measure Should Be?
Emanuel Castellarin, Le gel des avoirs d’une banque centrale étrangère comme réaction décentralisée à un fait internationalement illicite: rétorsion ou contre-mesure?
- International Investment Law and Arbitration
Heather L. Bray, The Neer Rumour
Yanying Li & Camille M. Ng, The Permanent Court of Arbitration in 2012
Gerard J. Meijer & Camilla M.L. Perera-De Wit, Fostering Stability and Confidence in the Financial Markets—A Global Affair: P.R.I.M.E. Finance