The latest issue of
Global Society (Vol. 27, no. 4, 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Thomas Moore, International Relations as Juridical Life: Rethinking ‘the International’ in International Theory
Eamon Aloyo,
Democratising Transitional Justice: Transitional Trade-offs and Constituting the Demos
Jonathan C. Agensky,
Dr Livingstone, I Presume? Evangelicals, Africa and Faith-Based Humanitarianism
Judith Renner & Alexander Spencer,
De-antagonising the Other: Changing Constructions of the Taliban and the Possibility of Reconciliation
Kristina Hahn & Anna Holzscheiter,
The Ambivalence of Advocacy: Representation and Contestation in Global NGO Advocacy for Child Workers and Sex Workers
Jonathan Grix & Donna Lee,
Soft Power, Sports Mega-Events and Emerging States: The Lure of the Politics of Attraction