The latest volume of the
Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs (Vol. 29, 2011) is out. Contents include:
- Articles
- Fiammetta Borgia & Paolo Vargiu, When Investment Law
Takes over: Towards a New Legal Regime to Regulate Asia
Pacific’s Submarine Cables Boom
Hsu-hua Chou, Bargaining for Mijiu Tax Reduction in the
Shadow of WTO Law: Challenges for Taiwan and Lessons
from Cases against Japan and Korea
Paul J. Davidson, The Cross-Straits Economic Cooperation
Framework Agreement: Legal Issues
Eric Franckx, CITES as an Alternative for Effective Fisheries
Management in the Asia-Pacific Region
Hamamoto Shotaro, Multilateral Treaties and Recognition of
States - The Japanese Case Law on the Applicability of the
Berne Convention and the Patent Cooperation Treaty between
Japan and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Natalie Klein, From Eco-Terrorism to Eco-Tourism: Assessing
Effective Regulatory Tools and Regimes in Marine
Josef Mrázek, The Use of Force and Expanded Conceptions of
Vasilka Sancin, Innovative Arbitration Agreements to Resolve
Border Disputes and the Role of Regional International
Organizations: Can the Example of Slovenia-Croatia
Arbitration Agreement Be Followed in the Asia Pacific?