The latest issue of the
Leiden Journal of International Law (Vol. 26, no. 4, December 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Editorial
Volker Nerlich, Daring Diversity – Why There Is Nothing Wrong with ‘Fragmentation’ in
International Criminal Procedure
- International Legal Theory - Symposium: Expertise, Uncertainty, and International Law
Anna Leander & Tanja Aalberts, Introduction: The Co-Constitution of Legal Expertise and International Security
Oliver Kessler & Wouter Werner, Expertise, Uncertainty, and International Law: A Study of the Tallinn Manual on
Anna Leander, Technological Agency in the Co-Constitution of Legal Expertise and the US Drone
Gavin Sullivan & Marieke de Goede, Between Law and the Exception: The UN 1267 Ombudsperson as a Hybrid Model of
Legal Expertise
International Law and Practice
Karine Bannelier & Theodore Christakis, Under the UN Security Council’s Watchful Eyes: Military Intervention by Invitation
in the Malian Conflict
Phil C.W. Chan, A Keen Observer of the International Rule of Law? International Law in China’s
Voting Behaviour and Argumentation in the United Nations Security Council
Hague International Tribunals: International Court of Justice
- Yoshifumi Tanaka, Reflections on the Territorial and Maritime Dispute between Nicaragua and
Colombia before the International Court of Justice
Hague International Tribunals: International Criminal Courts and Tribunals - Symposium: Expertise, Uncertainty, and International Law
- John Jackson & Yassin M’Boge, Integrating a Socio-Legal Approach to Evidence in the International Criminal
Justice T. A. Doherty, Evidence in International Criminal Tribunals: Contrast between Domestic and
International Trials
- John Jackson & Yassin M’Boge,
The Effect of Legal Culture on the Development of International Evidentiary Practice:
From the ‘Robing Room’ to the ‘Melting Pot’
- Yvonne McDermott,
The Admissibility and Weight of Written Witness Testimony in International
Criminal Law: A Socio-Legal Analysis
- Rosemary Byrne,
Drawing the Missing Map: What Socio-legal Research Can Offer to International
Criminal Trial Practice
- Christian M. De Vos,
Investigating from Afar: The ICC’s Evidence Problem