The latest issue of the
Journal of International Criminal Justice (Vol. 11, no. 3, July 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Current Events
- F. Jessberger & J. Geneuss,
Down the Drain or Down to Earth? International Criminal Justice under Pressure
David Luban,
After the Honeymoon: Reflections on the Current State of International Criminal Justice
Diane Orentlicher,
Owning Justice and Reckoning with its Complexity
Payam Akhavan,
The Rise, and Fall, and Rise, of International Criminal Justice
Naomi Roht-Arriaza,
Just a ‘Bubble’?: Perspectives on the Enforcement of International Criminal Law by National Courts
William A. Schabas,
The Banality of International Justice
Mireille Delmas-Marty,
Ambiguities and Lacunae: The International Criminal Court Ten Years on
John Dugard,
Palestine and the International Criminal Court: Institutional Failure or Bias?
Frédéric Mégret & Marika Giles Samson,
Holding the Line on Complementarity in Libya: The Case for Tolerating Flawed Domestic Trials
- Articles
Narrelle Morris,
Unexpected Defeat: The Unsuccessful War Crimes Prosecution of Lt Gen Yamawaki Masataka and Others at Manus Island, 1950
Cases before International Courts and Tribunals
Mariya Nikolova & Manuel J. Ventura,
The Special Tribunal for Lebanon Declines to Review UN Security Council Action: Retreating from Tadić’s Legacy in the Ayyash Jurisdiction and Legality Decisions
National Prosecution of International Crimes: Legislation and Cases
Robert Roth,
Representational Capacity or Global Governance?: A Swiss Federal Court Addresses the Accusations against a Former Algerian General
Gerhard Werle & Paul Christoph Bornkamm,
Torture in Zimbabwe under Scrutiny in South Africa: The Judgment of the North Gauteng High Court in SALC v. National Director of Public Prosecutions
- Antonio Cassese Prize for International Criminal Law Studies
Darryl Robinson, International Criminal Law as Justice