The latest issue of the
Journal of East Asia and International Law (Vol. 5, no. 2, Autumn 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Issue Focus: Legal Issues of ASEAN Integration
- Joel Ng, Rule of Law as a Framework within the ASEAN Community
Huan Qi, Investment Law in the China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement
Ida B. Wyasa, Harmonizing Ideological Tension in the Development of the ASEAN Law
- Articles
- Saratoon Santivasa, The NGOs’ Participation in the Proceedings of the International Court of Justice
Zhongfa Ma & Yan Zhang, TRIPs Agreement and Enforcement of the Intellectual Property Rights in China
- Notes & Comments
- Ahmed Buckley, Smiting Spell: The Legality of Targeted Killings in the War against Terrorism
- Regional Focus & Controversies: Fisheries Dispute in the Yellow Sea
- Korea: Suk Kyoon Kim
China: Zewei Yang