The latest issue of the
Journal of International Organizations Studies (Vol. 4, no. 1, Spring 2013) is out. Contents include:
- International Organizations and Climate Change Management
- Michael Mehling, Frameworks for International Climate Cooperation: Assessing the Alternatives
Anesu Makina,
Capacity of the Africa Group in International Climate Change Negotiations
Orr Karassin,
Multilateral Climate Change Funds and the Governance of Climate Risks
Pamela Chasek,
Follow the Money: Navigating the International Aid Maze for Dryland Development
- Nina Hall,
Moving Beyond its Mandate? UNHCR and Climate Change Displacement
Myra Leann Brown,
EU Environmental Governance in Transition
- Insider's View
- Alisa Clarke, Organizational culture, system evolution and the United Nations of the 21st century