- International Organizations and Climate Change Management
- Michael Mehling, Frameworks for International Climate Cooperation: Assessing the Alternatives
- Anesu Makina, Capacity of the Africa Group in International Climate Change Negotiations
- Orr Karassin, Multilateral Climate Change Funds and the Governance of Climate Risks
- Pamela Chasek, Follow the Money: Navigating the International Aid Maze for Dryland Development
- Nina Hall, Moving Beyond its Mandate? UNHCR and Climate Change Displacement
- Myra Leann Brown, EU Environmental Governance in Transition
- Insider's View
- Alisa Clarke, Organizational culture, system evolution and the United Nations of the 21st century
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
New Issue: Journal of International Organizations Studies
The latest issue of the Journal of International Organizations Studies (Vol. 4, no. 1, Spring 2013) is out. Contents include: