The latest issue of
International Negotiation (Vol. 18, no. 2, 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Brian R. Urlacher, Negotiating with Insurgents: Changing Perceptions or Changing Politics?
- James P. Todhunter,
The Domestic Fruits of Diplomacy: Mediation and Presidential Approval
- Peter Jones,
Canada and International Conflict Mediation
- Thomas Kwasi Tieku,
Perks Diplomacy: The Role of Perquisites in Mediation
- Diana Panke,
Regional Power Revisited: How to Explain Differences in Coherency and Success of Regional Organizations in the United Nations General Assembly 1
- Mark Zeitoun, Michael Talhami, & Karim Eid-Sabbagh,
The Influence of Narratives on Negotiations and Resolution of the Upper Jordan River Conflict