The latest issue of the
Human Rights Quarterly (Vol. 35, no. 1, February 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Rhona Smith, "To see Themselves as Others see Them": The Five Permanent Members of the Security Council and the Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review
- Heiner Bielefeldt,
Misperceptions of Freedom of Religion or Belief
- Jonathan Graubart,
R2P and Pragmatic Liberal Interventionism: Values in the Service of Interests
- Vrinda Narain,
Muslim Women's Equality in India: Applying a Human Rights Framework
- Derya Bayır,
Representation of the Kurds by the Turkish Judiciary
- Aurora Plomer,
The Human Rights Paradox: Intellectual Property Rights and Rights of Access to Science
- Eva Brems & Laurens Lavrysen,
Procedural Justice in Human Rights Adjudication: The European Court of Human Rights
- Joshua Castellino,
No Room at the International Table: The Importance of Designing Effective Litmus Tests for Minority Protection at Home