The latest issue of the
Asian Journal of International Law (Vol. 3, no. 1, January 2013) is out. Contents include:
- Jean d'Aspremont,
Towards an International Law of Brigandage: Interpretative Engineering for the Regulation of Natural Resources Exploitation
- Hitoshi Nasu,
Revisiting the Principle of Non-Intervention: A Structural Principle of International Law or a Political Obstacle to Regional Security in Asia?
Benny Tan Zhi Peng, The International Law Commission's Draft Articles on the Effects of Armed Conflicts on Treaties: Evaluating the Applicability of Impossibility of Performance and Fundamental Change
- Andrew Wolman,
National Human Rights Commissions and Asian Human Rights Norms
- Benoît Mayer,
Environmental Migration in the Asia-Pacific Region: Could We Hang Out Sometime?
- Khorsed Zaman,
The TRIPS Patent Protection Provisions and Their Effects on Transferring Climate Change Technologies to LDCs and Poor Developing Countries: A Critical Appraisal
- Steven M. Dejong,
Hot Air and Hot Heads: An Examination of the Legal Arguments Surrounding the Extension of the European Union's Emissions Trading Scheme to Aviation