The latest issue of
Global Policy (Vol. 3, Supp. no. 1, December 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Special Issue: Changing the Debate on Europe – The Inaugural Dahrendorf Symposium
- Damian Chalmers, Introduction: A Moment for European Sturm und Drang?
- Helmut K. Anheier & Gesa-Stefanie Brincker, Setting the Stage: Lord Ralf Dahrendorf and the European Project
- Mark Hallerberg & Joachim Wehner, The Educational Competence of Economic Policymakers in the EU
- Waltraud Schelkle & Anke Hassel, The Policy Consensus Ruling European Political Economy: The Political Attractions of Discredited Economics
- Daniela Schwarzer, The Euro Area Crises, Shifting Power Relations and Institutional Change in the European Union
- Loukas Tsoukalis, The Political Economy of the Crisis: The End of an Era?
- Sylvie Goulard, Contribution: The Financial and Euro Crisis, 2011 Dahrendorf Symposium in Berlin
- Helmut K Anheier & Mariella Falkenhain, Europe’s Stratified Social Space: Diagnosis and Remedies
- Norbert Röttgen, Keynote address: ‘Changing the Debate on Europe’, 2011 Dahrendorf Symposium in Berlin: Towards a European Political Imperative
- Wolfgang Ischinger, Contribution: Changing the European Debate: 2011 Dahrendorf Symposium in Berlin
- Jim Murphy, Changing the debate on Europe 2011 Dahrendorf Symposium in Berlin
- Michael Cox, Too Big To Fail?: The Transatlantic Relationship from Bush to Obama
- Mary Kaldor, The EU as a New Form of Political Authority: The Example of the Common Security and Defence Policy
- Thomas Risse, Identity Matters: Exploring the Ambivalence of EU Foreign Policy
- Arne Westad, China and Europe: Opportunities or Dangers?