The latest issue of the
Review of International Studies (Vol. 38, no. 4, October 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Beate Jahn, Rethinking democracy promotion
- Theresa Squatrito,
Conditions of democracy-enhancing multilateralism: expansion of rights protections in Europe?
- Joanne Wallis,
A liberal-local hybrid peace project in action? The increasing engagement between the local and liberal in Timor-Leste
- Yong-Soo Eun,
Why and how should we go for a multicausal analysis in the study of foreign policy? (Meta-)theoretical rationales and methodological rules
- Yong Wook Lee,
Synthesis and reformulation of foreign policy change: Japan and East Asian financial regionalism
- Amir Lupovici,
Ontological dissonance, clashing identities, and Israel's unilateral steps towards the Palestinians
- Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv,
Security by any other name: negative security, positive security, and a multi-actor security approach
- Jonathan Bright,
Securitisation, terror, and control: towards a theory of the breaking point
- Ewan Stein,
Beyond Arabism vs. sovereignty: relocating ideas in the international relations of the Middle East
Ty Solomon,
‘I wasn't angry, because I couldn't believe it was happening’: Affect and discourse in responses to 9/11