The latest issue of the
Israel Law Review (Vol. 45, no. 3, November 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Robin Geiß & Henning Lahmann,
Cyber Warfare: Applying the Principle of Distinction in an Interconnected Space
- Tom Ruys,
The XM25 Individual Airburst Weapon System: A ‘Game Changer’ for the (Law on the) Battlefield? Revisiting the Legality of Explosive Projectiles under the Law of Armed Conflict
- Deborah Housen-Couriel,
Disruption of Satellite Transmissions ad Bellum and in Bello: Launching a New Paradigm of Convergence
- Eliav Lieblich,
Show Us the Films: Transparency, National Security and Disclosure of Information Collected by Advanced Weapon Systems under International Law
- Anne Herzberg & Gerald M Steinberg,
IHL 2.0: Is There a Role for Social Media in Monitoring and Enforcement?
- Anthony Grabiner,
Sex, Scandal and Super-Injunctions – The Controversies Surrounding the Protection of Privacy