The latest issue of
Humanity (Vol. 3, no. 3, October 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Dossier: Social Rights in the Twentieth Century
- Paul Betts & Małgorzata Mazurek, Preface: When Rights Were Social
Katherine Lebow, The Conscience of the Skin: Interwar Polish Autobiography and Social Rights
Sandrine Kott, The Forced Labor Issue between Human and Social Rights, 1947-1957
Eric Allina, "No Real Freedom for the Natives": The Men in the Middle and Critiques of Colonial Labor in Central Mozambique
Marco Duranti, Curbing Labour's Totalitarian Temptation: European Human Rights Law and British Postwar Politics
Mark B. Smith, Social Rights in the Soviet Dictatorship: The Constitutional Right to Welfare from Stalin to Brezhnev
Paul Betts, Socialism, Social Rights, and Human Rights: The Case of East Germany
Roland Burke, Some Rights Are More Equal than Others: The Third World and the Transformation of Economic and Social Rights
Matthew Hilton, International Aid and Development NGOs in Britain and Human Rights since 1945
Frederick Cooper, Afterword: Social Rights and Human Rights in the Time of Decolonization