The latest issue of
International Studies Quarterly (Vol. 56, no. 2, June 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Elliott Green, On the Size and Shape of African States
- Joshua D. Kertzer & Kathleen M. McGraw, Folk Realism: Testing the Microfoundations of Realism in Ordinary Citizens
- Mark J.C. Crescenzi, Jacob D. Kathman, Katja B. Kleinberg & Reed M. Wood, Reliability, Reputation, and Alliance Formation
- Anthony McGann & Wayne Sandholtz, Patterns of Death Penalty Abolition, 1960–2005: Domestic and International Factors
- Inanna Hamati-Ataya, Beyond (Post)Positivism: The Missed Promises of Systemic Pragmatism
- Clayton L. Thyne, Information, Commitment, and Intra-War Bargaining: The Effect of Governmental Constraints on Civil War Duration
- Richard Saull, Rethinking Hegemony: Uneven Development, Historical Blocs, and the World Economic Crisis
- Michael D. Tyburski, The Resource Curse Reversed? Remittances and Corruption in Mexico
- Philip Arena & Scott Wolford, Arms, Intelligence, and War
- Garry Rodan & Caroline Hughes, Ideological Coalitions and the International Promotion of Social Accountability: The Philippines and Cambodia Compared
- Elena V. McLean, Donors’ Preferences and Agent Choice: Delegation of European Development Aid
- Isa Camyar, Party Politics and International Trade: Mainstream Parties, Niche Parties, and Trade Openness
- Yury V. Bosin, Supporting Democracy in the Former Soviet Union: Why the Impact of US Assistance Has Been Below Expectations
- Jong Hee Park, What Determines the Specificity of Subsidies?
- Jason Sorens & William Ruger, Does Foreign Investment Really Reduce Repression?