The latest issue of the
International Review of the Red Cross (Vol. 93, no. 883, September 2011) is out. The theme is "Engaging Armed Groups." Contents include:
- Articles
- Interview with David Kilcullen
Claudia Hofmann & Ulrich Schneckener,
Engaging non-state armed actors in state- and peace-building: options and strategies
Naz K. Modirzadeh, Dustin A. Lewis & Claude Bruderlein,
Humanitarian engagement under counter-terrorism: a conflict of norms and the emerging policy landscape
Sophie Rondeau,
Participation of armed groups in the development of the law applicable to armed conflicts
Pascal Bongard & Jonathan Somer,
Monitoring armed non-state actor compliance with humanitarian norms: a look at international mechanisms and the Geneva Call Deed of Commitment
Françoise Perret & François Bugnion,
Between insurgents and government: the International Committee of the Red Cross's action in the Algerian War (1954–1962)
Deborah Casalin,
Taking prisoners: reviewing the international humanitarian law grounds for deprivation of liberty by armed opposition groups
David Tuck,
Detention by armed groups: overcoming challenges to humanitarian action
Ron Dudai,
Closing the gap: symbolic reparations and armed groups
- Selected Article on International Humanitarian Law
John Borrie & Maya Brehm,
Enhancing civilian protection from use of explosive weapons in populated areas: building a policy and research agenda
- Comments and Opinions
Jelena Pejic,
The European Court of Human Rights’ Al-Jedda judgment: the oversight of international humanitarian law