The inaugural issue of the
Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law (Vol. 1, no. 1, 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Elihu Lauterpacht, Foreword
- Andrew Sanger & Rumiana Yotova,
Editors’ Introduction: ‘Continuity and Change’
- Christopher Greenwood,
Some Challenges of International Litigation
- Daniel Bethlehem,
The Secret Life of International Law
- Philippe Sands,
Twin Peaks: The Hersch Lauterpacht Nuremberg Speeches
- Hersch Lauterpacht,
Draft Nuremberg Speeches
- Lorand Bartels,
Withdrawing Provisional Application of Treaties: Has the EU Made a Mistake?
- Filippo Fontanelli,
The Invocation of the Exception of Non-Performance, A Case-Study on the Role and Application of General Principles of International Law of Contractual Origin
Case Analysis
- Robin Churchill,
The Bangladesh/Myanmar Case: Continuity and Novelty in the Law of Maritime Boundary Delimitation
- Kimberley N. Trapp & Alex Mills,
Smooth Runs the Water Where the Brook Is Deep: The Obscured Complexities of Germany v Italy
- Francesco Messineo,
Maps Of Ephemeral Empires: The ICJ and the Macedonian Name Dispute
- Thomas R. Liefländer,
The Lubanga Judgment of the ICC: More Than Just the First Step?
- Anna Cowan, A New Watershed? Re-Evaluating Banković in Light of Al-Skeini