The latest issue of
International Relations (Vol. 26, no. 2, June 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Robert O. Keohane,
Twenty Years of Institutional Liberalism
Tudor Onea,
Putting the ‘Classical’ in Neoclassical Realism: Neoclassical Realist Theories and US Expansion in the Post-Cold War
Faruk Yalvaç,
Strategic Depth or Hegemonic Depth? A Critical Realist Analysis of Turkey’s Position in the World System
B.K. Greener,
International Policing and International Relations
Jacob L. Stump & Priya Dixit,
Toward a Completely Constructivist Critical Terrorism Studies
Shannon Brincat,
On the Methods of Critical Theory: Advancing the Project of Emancipation beyond the Early Frankfurt School