This book provides a short, straightforward account of the basic structure and principles of international trade law written by one of the leading authorities in this field.
The book covers, in a series of short chapters, all the major issues in international trade law, including dispute settlement; the Most Favoured Nation Principle; preferential trade agreements; the National Treatment Principle; contingent protection laws (anti-dumping, countervailing duties and safeguards); trade and agriculture; trade and services; trade and investment; trade-related intellectual property rights; trade policy and domestic health; safety, environmental and labour regulation; and trade policy and developing countries. Each chapter sets out the basic provisions and relevant GATT/WTO agreements governing the issues in question, the central issues or conflicts that have arisen in the interpretation and application of these provisions, leading GATT/WTO case law generated by the formal dispute settlement processes of the GATT/WTO, and unresolved issues that remain a matter of controversy.