The latest issue of the
Journal of World Investment & Trade (Vol. 12, no. 5, October 2011) is out. Contents include:
- Ahmad S.A.S. Al-Tayer & A F M Maniruzzaman, Addressing the Global Climate Change Problem in GATT/WTO Law: The Vision of a New International Climate Law Based on International Distributive Justice
- Chen Huiping, The Expansion of Jurisdiction by ICSID Tribunal: Approaches, Reasons and Damages
- Timothy G. Nelson, RSM and Millicom: Two African Cases Illustrate the Continued Vitality of Contractual Arbitration Clauses within ICSID
- M Rafiqul Islam & Iman Prihandono, Political Strategies of TNCs for Corporate Interest in Indonesian Public Interest Litigation: Lessons for Developing Countries Hosting FDIs
- Claus D. Zimmermann, The Promotion of Transfer-of-Funds Liberalisation across International Economic Law
- Neeti Shikha, Globalisation and Competition Asymmetry in International Trade And Development- Challenges And Opportunity
- C Chatterjee & Anna Lefcovitch, When an Investment is not an Investment: Anderson et al and The Republic of Costa Rica
- Alberto Tita, Book review of Reports of Overseas Private Investment Corporation Determinations