The latest issue of the
Goettingen Journal of International Law (Vol. 3, no. 2, 2011) is out. Contents include:
- Jean d'Aspremont, The Politics of Deformalization in International Law
- Mayeul Hiéramente, The Myth of 'International Crimes': Dialectics and International Criminal Law
- Alexander R. J. Murray, Does International Criminal Law Still Require a ‘Crime of Crimes’? A Comparative Review of Genocide and Crimes against Humanity
- Christopher Peters, Subsequent Practice and Established Practice of International Organizations: Two Sides of the Same Coin?
- Ranieri Lima Resende, Normative Heterogeneity and International Responsibility: Another View on the World Trade Organization and its System of Countermeasures
- Vasiliki Saranti, A System of Collective Defense of Democracy: the Case of the Inter-American Democratic Charter
- Killian S. O'Brien, Refugees on the High Seas: International Refugee Law Solutions to a Law of the Sea Problem
- Julian M. Lehmann, Rights at the Frontier: Border Control and Human Rights Protection of Irregular International Migrants
- Vladislava Stoyanova, Complementary Protection for Victims of Human Trafficking under the European Convention on Human Rights