The latest issue of
Water International (Vol. 36, no. 5, 2011) focuses on the topic "Strengthening Cooperation on Transboundary Groundwater Resources." Contents include:
- Special Issue: Strengthening Cooperation on Transboundary Groundwater Resources
- Alice Aureli & Gabriel Eckstein, Strengthening cooperation on transboundary groundwater resources
- Chusei Yamada, Codification of the Law of Transboundary Aquifers (Groundwaters) by the United Nations
- Stephen C. McCaffrey, The International Law Commission's flawed Draft Articles on the Law of Transboundary Aquifers: the way forward
- Gabriel E. Eckstein, Managing buried treasure across frontiers: the international Law of Transboundary Aquifers
- Joseph W. Dellapenna, The customary law applicable to internationally shared groundwater
- Salman M.A. Salman, The World Bank policy and practice for projects affecting shared aquifers
- Jamie Linton & David B. Brooks, Governance of transboundary aquifers: new challenges and new opportunities
- W. Todd Jarvis, Unitization: a lesson in collective action from the oil industry for aquifer governance
- Anita Milman & Isha Ray, Interpreting the unknown: uncertainty and the management of transboundary groundwater
- Pilar Carolina Villar & Wagner Costa Ribeiro, The Agreement on the Guarani Aquifer: a new paradigm for transboundary groundwater management?
- David N. Cassuto & Romulo S.R. Sampaio, Keeping it legal: transboundary management challenges facing Brazil and the Guarani
- Mehmet Öztan & Mark Axelrod, Sustainable transboundary groundwater management under shifting political scenarios: the Ceylanpinar Aquifer and Turkey–Syria relations
- Götz Reichert, Transboundary groundwater law in Europe: a look at an evolving multi-level regime