The latest issue of the
Journal of International Trade Law and Policy (Vol. 10, no. 2, 2011) is out. Contents include:
- Uttam Deb & Muhammad Al Amin, Impact of the Doha round negotiation on Bangladesh agriculture: An analysis of the revised draft modalities
- Elimma C. Ezeani, Can the WTO judges assist the development agenda?
- Rajib Sanyal & Subarna Samanta, Trends in international bribe-giving: do anti-bribery laws matter?
- Montserrat González-Garibay, The trade-labour and trade-environment linkages: together or apart?
- Mohammad Mahabubur Rahman, Fariduddin Ahmed, Mohammad Osiur Rahman, & Azizul Hoque, Settlement of cyber disputes through terrestrial provisions: Law and technology converge in the US practice