The latest issue of the
International Journal of Transitional Justice (Vol. 5, no. 2, July 2011) is out. Contents include:
- Ahmad Nader Nadery, Editorial Note: In the Aftermath of International Intervention: A New Era for Transitional Justice?
- Siphiwe Ignatius Dube, Transitional Justice Beyond the Normative: Towards a Literary Theory of Political Transitions
- Kora Andrieu, An Unfinished Business: Transitional Justice and Democratization in Post-Soviet Russia
- Emily Haslam, Subjects and Objects: International Criminal Law and the Institutionalization of Civil Society
- Roger Duthie, Transitional Justice and Displacement
- Jay D. Aronson, The Strengths and Limitations of South Africa's Search for Apartheid-Era Missing Persons
- Eva Brems, Transitional Justice in the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights