The latest issue of
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics (Vol. 11, no. 2, May 2011) is out. Contents include:
- Gurdial Singh Nijar, Food security and access and benefit sharing laws relating to genetic resources: promoting synergies in national and international governance
- Rocío Dánica Cóndor, Antonino Scarelli & Riccardo Valentini, Multicriteria Decision Aid to support Multilateral Environmental Agreements in assessing international forestry projects
- Carel Dieperink, International water negotiations under asymmetry, Lessons from the Rhine chlorides dispute settlement (1931–2004)
- Mark Zeitoun, Naho Mirumachi & Jeroen Warner, Transboundary water interaction II: the influence of ‘soft’ power
- Andrea K. Gerlak, Jonathan Lautze & Mark Giordano, Water resources data and information exchange in transboundary water treaties