The latest issue of the
International Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 15, no. 5, 2011) is out. Contents include:
- Daniela Nadj, The culturalisation of identity in an age of 'ethnic conflict'-depoliticised gender in ICTY wartime sexual violence jurisprudence
- Debdatta Chowdhury, Space, identity, territory: Marichjhapi Massacre, 1979
- Kay Lalor, Constituting sexuality: rights, politics and power in the gay rights movement
- Laura Niada, The human right to medicines in relation to patents in sub-Saharan Africa: some critical remarks
- Nlerum S. Okogbule, Modest harvests: appraising the impact of human rights norms on international economic institutions in relation to Africa
- Frederick Cowell, Preventing coups in Africa: attempts at the protection of human rights and constitutions
- Michael Freitas Mohallem, Immutable clauses and judicial review in India, Brazil and South Africa: expanding constitutional courts' authority