- Oz Hassan & Jason Ralph, Introduction: Democracy promotion and human rights in US foreign policy
- Mark J. L. McClelland, Exporting virtue: neoconservatism, democracy promotion and the end of history
- Oz Hassan & Andrew Hammond, The rise and fall of American's freedom agenda in Afghanistan: counter-terrorism, nation-building and democracy
- Jeff Bridoux, 'It's the political, stupid': national versus transnational perspectives on democratisation in Iraq
- Nicolas Bouchet, Barack Obama's democracy promotion at midterm
- James D. Boys, What's so extraordinary about rendition?
- Rebecca Sanders, (Im)plausible legality: the rationalisation of human rights abuses in the American 'Global War on Terror'
- Maureen Ramsey, Dirty hands or dirty decisions? Investigating, prosecuting and punishing those responsible for abuses of detainees in counter terrorism operations
Friday, July 15, 2011
New Issue: International Journal of Human Rights
The latest issue of the International Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 15, no. 4, 2011) is out. Contents include: